Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Must Read! Key FDA Documents Reveal Dangers in GM Food and Policy Flaws


About the Documents 
You will see scanned reproductions (exact copies) of some of the Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) internal memoranda about the hazards of genetically engineered foods.  These documents became available through the Alliance for Bio-Integrity's lawsuit (Alliance for Bio-Integrity et al., vs. Shalala, et al.) to gain mandatory safety testing and labeling of these foods.  The large numbers on the bottom of each page (i.e. 18952) are the Administrative Record (A.R.) numbers affixed by the FDA.
How to View and Print 
In order to make these documents easily accessible, we've saved each page in two different formats: one intended for viewing on your monitor using your internet browser (click on "View Document"), and one formatted in PDF suitable for printing onto a  8 1/2" X 11" sheet of paper (click on "View PDF").
To print the PDF files you will need free software called Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you don't already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.  Depending on your computer and internet connection, downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader may take up to fifteen minutes.  You may find that the best way to view and read the documents on your monitor is to select the PDF files; they are larger files and therefore may take slightly longer to download, but the Acrobat Reader enables you to enlarge or reduce the image size to fit your monitor.
        A.  FDA Scientists Discuss Various Safety Concerns
  1. Comments from Dr. Linda Kahl, FDA compliance officer, to Dr. James Maryanski, FDA Biotechnology Coordinator, about the Federal Register document "Statement of Policy: Foods from Genetically Modified Plants."  Dated January 8, 1992. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document View PDF
  3. Memorandum from Dr. Edwin J. Mathews to the Toxicology Section of the Biotechnology Working Group. Subject: "Analysis of the Major Plant Toxicants."  Dated October 28, 1991. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document -View PDF
  5. Memorandum from Dr. Samuel I. Shibko to Dr. James Maryanski, FDA Biotechnology Coordinator.  Subject: "Revision of Toxicology Section of the Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Plants." Dated January 31, 1992. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  7. Comments from Dr. Louis J. Pribyl re: the "Biotechnology Draft Document, 2/27/92." Dated March 6, 1992. (5 pages)View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  9. Comments from Dr. Louis J. Pribyl re: "... the March 18, 1992 Version of the Biotechnology Document." Dated March 18, 1992. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  11. Comments from Division of Food Chemistry and Technology and Division of Contaminants Chemistry. Subject: "Points to Consider for Safety Evaluation of Genetically Modified Foods.  Supplemental Information."  Dated November 1, 1991. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  13. Memorandum from Dr. Mitchell Smith, Head, Biological and Organic Chemistry Section, to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator.  Subject: "Comments on Draft Federal Register Notice on Food Biotechnology, Dec. 12, 1991 draft."  Dated January 8, 1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  15. Letter from Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator, to Dr. Bill Murray, Chairman of the Food Directorate, Canada.  Subject: the safety assessment of foods and food ingredients developed through new biotechnology.  Dated October 23, 1991. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  17. Comments from Dr. Carl B. Johnson on the "draft statement of policy 12/12/91."  Dated January 8, 1992. (2 pages)View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  19. Memorandum from Dr. Gerald B. Guest, Director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator.  Subject: "Regulation of Transgenic Plants--FDA Draft Federal Register Notice on Food Biotechnology."  Dated February 5, 1992. (4 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
    B.  Specific Objections to Use of Antibiotic-Resistant Marker Genes
  21. Memorandum from Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator, to Dr. Murray Lumpkin.  Subject: "Use of Kanamycin Resistance Marker Gene in Tomatoes."  (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  23. Memorandum from Dr. Murray Lumpkin to Dr. Bruce Burlington.  Subject: "The tomatoes that will eat Akron." Dated December 17, 1992. (7 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  25. Memorandum from Dr. Albert Sheldon to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator.  Subject: "Use of Kanamycin Resistance Markers in Tomatoes."  Dated March 30, 1993.  (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
    C.  Safety Questions Raised by Tests on the Flavr Savr Tomato--the Most Thoroughly Tested      Bioengineered Food
  27. Memorandum from Dr. Fred Hines to Dr. Linda Kahl.  Subject: "FLAVR SAVR Tomato:" ... "Pathology Branch's Evaluation of Rats with Stomach Lesions From Three Four-Week Oral (Gavage) Toxicity Studies" ... "and an Expert Panel's Report."  Dated June 16, 1993. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  29. Memorandum from Robert J. Scheuplein, Ph.D. to the FDA Biotechnology Coordinator and others. Subject: "Response to Calgene Amended Petition." Dated October 27, 1993. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  31. Memorandum from Dr. Carl B. Johnson to Dr. Linda Kahl & Others.  Subject: "Flavr Savr(TM) tomato; significance of pending DHEE question." Dated Dec 7, 1993. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  33. Memorandum from Dr. Fred Hines to Dr. Linda Kahl.  Subject: "FLAVR SAVR Tomato"... "Pathology Branch's Remarks to Calgene Inc.'s Response to FDA Letter of June 29, 1993."  Dated December 10, 1993. (3 pages) View Our SummaryView Document - View PDF
    D.  Additional Evidence of Improprieties In The Formation Of FDA Policy On     Bioengineered Foods
  35. Note from Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator, to Mr. Michael Taylor.  Subject: "Food Biotechnology Policy Development."  Dated October 7, 1993. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  37. Document titled "FDA REGULATION OF FOOD PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM GENETICALLY ALTERED PLANTS: POINTS TO CONSIDER"  Not dated. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  39. Memorandum from Dr. James Maryanksi, Biotechnology Coordinator, to the Director of the Center for Applied Nutrition.  Subject: "FDA Task Group on Food Biotechnology: Progress Report 2." Dated August 15, 1991. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  41. Memorandum from David Kessler, Commissioner of Food & Drugs.  Subject: "FDA Proposed Statement of Policy Clarifying the Regulation of Food Derived from Genetically Modified Plants--DECISION." Dated March 20, 1992. (4 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  43. Letter from Terry Medley, J.D. (of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service), to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator.  Subject: "Comments on FDA Draft Statement of Policy on foods derived from new plant varieties, including plants derived by recombinant DNA techniques. Dated April 2, 1992. (5 pages) View Our Summary -View Document - View PDF
  45. Note from Eric Katz (Dept. of Health & Human Services) to John Gallivan.  Subject: "Food Biotechnology Policy Statement."  Dated March 27, 1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF
  47. Memorandum from James B. MacRae, Jr. (of the Office of Management and Budget), for C. Boyden Gray (President Bush’s White House counsel).  Subject: "FDA Food Biotechnology Policy."  Dated March 21, 1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - View PDF

Gates Foundation, Big Pharma, Monsanto, Global Vaccines - What's Really Going On?

This video poses some interesting questions for Gates on depopulation and vaccines. Hmmm... 

Instead of vaccinating babies for Rotovirus in an area where 40% of the water is non-drinkable, why not give them clean drinking water? Do they really think the rotovirus vaccine will prevent ALL the causes of diarrea with all that contaminated water, etc around? There is another video clip from "Democracy Now" that brings up some interesting concerns about the Gates Foundation's investments - in oil, pharma, etc.

Sounds like the investments are counter-productive to the "good" goals for things like eliminating polio... in an area riddled with toxic fumes from the oil industry. It just doesn't make sense. Sorry, I'm really moved by ONE's involvement with so many "good" projects around the world, but I can't help being skeptical of the involvement of Gates and Monsanto, etc. More investigation should be done on the real agenda behind the vaccinations and the feeding the hungry initiatives so that ethical, well-researched, impartial practices are followed that do not seem to provide big profits for the investors and players involved in these programs. Some issues are better solved WITHOUT vaccinations and chemicals. Until the best answers are found, no radical,pre-mature, unproven experimental programs should be implemented that could put human life at greater risk.

And here is yet another video of an interview with someone who says she worked for the Gates Foundation over concerns with practices going on with biotech and pharma experiments including a lab in DC where animal fetuses were harvested and growing in tanks in fluid to practice for human experiments and genetic engineering (chimera genetics). Very scary! (This one I can't validate but it's worth looking into.)

More on big pharma:

Transparency is essential to eliminate corruption. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pharma Not in Business of Health-Healing-Cures-Wellness

See video from whistleblower who worked for the pharmaceutical industry as she tells us point blank that these companies are in the business of keeping people dependent on drugs - not in the business of healing. That would put them out of business, which doesn't make sense. Big Pharma makes 5 to 6 times more than any other Fortune 500 Industry in the United States. Something must be done to stop the rampant mis-use of drug production and prescription in America!

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FDA Public Hearing on GE Salmon - Say NO!

The FDA will hold a public hearing on Genetically Engineered Salmon next week.

Of course, attendance registrations were due by Sept. 7. Contact the FDA and the White House to say "NO" to GE Salmon.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Fraud: Whole Foods, Rachel Ray, Safeway, Newman's Own, Colavita, Bertolli

Text of post below:
UC-Davis has just published an extensive report on the fraudulent labeling of extra-virgin olive oil. Imported olive oil has been known to often have fraudulent or misleading labels, now certain US brands have been found to be mislabeling their olive oil as well.
"More than two-thirds of common brands of extra-virgin olive oil found in California grocery stores aren't what they claim to be, according to a report by researchers at UC Davis, " said the Los Angeles Times in the story linked to below.

Scroll down to page 10 of the UC-Davis report here for the chart of the various brands.

The tests to determine extra-vrigin oil (acidity, peroxide level, etc.) are listed and described.
"Lab tests cast doubt on olive oil's virginity"
Los Angeles Times
Found to have be fraudulently labeled as Extra-Virgin:
Whole Foods
Rachel Ray
Newman's Own
Filippo Berio
Found to be accurately labeled as Extra-Virgin:
Kirkland Organic
Corto Olive
California Olive Ranch
McEvoy Ranch Organic