While researching online to try and find out what could be causing some health issues a few months ago, I made two startling discoveries:
1. HFCS - Not So Sweet! The sweetener used in most of our processed foods contains high fructose corn syrup, something I would have assumed is equally as "safe as sugar in moderation". Then I learned how HFCS is made and how it takes the liver 40 times the effort to metoblize than pure cane sugar! NOT 4 TIMES THE EFFORT BUT 40 (FORTY) TIMES THE EFFORT! Most Americans are probably unaware (like I was) that HFCS was quietly slipped into our food and drink since the 70's. No wonder we have seen an epidemic of obesity and diabetes over the past 25 years!
2. Monsanto, a chemical company that produced "Agent Orange", decided to get into the agriculture business and has been producing genetically modified seeds and passing off these crops as normal and "safe" since the late 90's. What's even more shocking is the fact that the very offices we trusted to protec our food has allowed this! Monsanto went so far as to patent these seeds, hire attorneys to force family farmers out of business, and used their deep pockets to control just about every entity involved with food production and food safety all the way up the chain of federal government. Monsanto's "RoundUp Ready" seeds were designed to be able to soak in extreme amounts of herbacide and grow where weed killer (their own product, "RoundUp") is sprayed and produce increased yields. As a result of over-spraying over the years, weeds have become resistant to herbacide and now grow alongside these "RoundUp Ready" crops. So "RoundUp Two" has recently been produced and promises to expose Amricans to even more potent toxins than before. These toxins are the equivalent of Agent Orange and produced by the same company that developed Agent Orange - resulting in neurological and numerous health disorders in individuals who have come in contact wtih it. This stuff is being marketed and sold to put in your gardens, on the foods your family eats and on the lawns where your children play! Commercially produced beef is raised on antibotics, growth hormones and an improper diets of corn and by-products (resulting in eColi which is then hand-removed from the side of the living cow - see "Food, Inc") and processed with ammonio to kill off the eColi bacteria. Commercially produced poultry is raised in crowded chicken houses with massive amounts of antibiotics and hormones to grown at 3 times the normal rate until their bones cannot support their own body weight. Children in America are reaching puberty at alarmingly young ages now, most likely from the hormones injected into the foods they have been eating. Lab animals have shown evidence of organ damage and even death after consuming GMO foods. Off-spring of lab rats that consumed GMO foods grew hair inside their mouths next to their teeth! More and more new and unexplainable diseases are showing up in America as we consume these modified foods. The FDA, USDA, and Congress have allowed these practices to go on for decades and now support efforts to use genetically modified foods to feed the world. In the meantime, countries around the world are waking up to the dangers of GMOs and are refusing to accept imported foods from the US. Haiti has refused Monsanto's recent gift of genetically modified corn. Some Haitian farmers have been shown in the news burning these seeds.
For more on GMOs, Monsanto and the efforts to stop unsafe food production and demand labeling on GMO foods, see GMO Free World.