Investigate the FDA
For far too long, the Food and Drug Administration has taken advantage of its power in regards to our safety in America. More and more, this organization has put profit over safety when it comes to the approval process of many foods and drugs we consume on a regular basis. Below are just a few stories lending evidence of a DIRE need to have the FDA investigated. Many of their actions would be considered criminal by any other standards.
Shocking Information on Aspartame - One of the Most Dangerous Neurotoxins Used Daily Since its Approval in 1981 - "World's Worst Research" included falsified reports from lab animals with tumors and death after consumption of chemicals found in MSG, Aspartame, etc.
- Related to spikes in brain neurological and brain disorders
- Increased seizures in America since in humans that consumed aspartame
August 20, 2010
FDA Admits NOT Testing for MERCURY, ARSENIC, or other TOXIC HEAVY METALS in Crude Oil
August 24, 2010
FDA officials have rejected sound scientific evidence demonstrating the dangers of Avandia!
August 28, 2010
Finland Suspends H1N1 Vaccines After Children Suffer Narcolepsy from Vaccinations